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Daniel Vargason

McNariy Central High School
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Daniel Vargason is a Percussion Instructor at McNairy Central High School. Daniel is graduating this May from the University of Tennessee at Martin with a Music Education Degree where is studies with Dr. Julie Hill.

During Daniel's time at UT Martin, he has performed with the Wind Symphony, Percussion Ensemble, UTM Skyhawk Marching Band, World Ensemble and the Steel Band. He served as the percussion section leader for the Skyhawk Marching Band during his junior and senior years. He was also the Principal Percussionist for the UTM Wind Symphony during the 2008-2009 school years.

Daniel had the privilege of being a performer with Music City Mystique during the spring of 2009. The group placed 3rd at WGI Finals in Dayton Ohio. He also had the honor of traveling with the UT Martin Percussion Studio at Tampico, Mexico in October, 2008. The studio performed at PercuSonidos (an annual day of percussion festival).

Daniel has been an educator, arranger and designer throughout the West Tennessee area during his time at UT Martin. He has taught at a number of high schools and middle schools throughout Middle and West Tennessee. Upon receiving his undergraduate degree, Daniel plans to obtain an assistant director/percussion instructor job in the West Tennessee area.