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Josh Robichaux

Kennesaw Mountain High School, Odyssey Percussion Theater
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Josh Robichaux, a native of Houma, Louisiana, resides in Kennesaw, Georgia and is currently a percussion instructor at Kennesaw Mountain High School, Odyssey Percussion Theater, as well as other music programs in Cobb County, Georgia. He graduated with an undergraduate degree from the University of Louisisana at Lafayette, where he earned a Bachelor of Music degree in Recording and Live Sound with a concentration in Percussion Performance. While at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette Josh studied under both Jeff Prosperie and Adam Mason. He performed with the university's Wind Ensemble, Steel Band, Japanese Taiko Ensemble, West African Drum and Dance Ensemble, Brazilian Ensemble, Marching Band, and the ULL Indoor Drumline. Josh spent two years, 2001 and 2002, as a member of Spirit Drum and Bugle Corps and has been a staff member for Spirit Drum and Bugle Corps from 2003-2006. Josh is active as an educator, performer, and arranger in various Louisiana and Georgia music programs and is a member of the Percussive Arts Society and the Delta Epsilon Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. Josh Robichaux is an Innovative Percussion Artist and endorses Innovative Percussion products exclusively.