Travis Newman is a musician with a diverse percussion background in the marching arts, percussion ensemble, orchestra, wind ensemble, and solo playing. During his time in Boston, he studied with Nancy Zeltsman and Doug Perkins at the Boston Conservatory of Music, earning a Masters. Before that, he earned his Bachelors in Music Education from Missouri State University with Dr. Scott Cameron and worked closely with mentor Dr. Belva Prather.
In the marching arts Travis has spent time as a performer, educator, and designer. He performed with The Cavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps, including the 2011 Fred Sanford award winning section, and gave clinics with The Cavaliers across the U.S. and Japan. Gateway percussion was his home as a performer for three years, and subsequently an educational staff member for three. Currently, Travis serves with Gateway as a part of the design team: Co-Program Coordinator and arranging the front ensemble music.
Currently, Travis lives in Iowa City, IA, studying with Dr. Dan Moore at the University of Iowa pursuing a DMA, and working as a Teaching Assistant. He focuses on composition, recording, and performance as a contemporary musician and in the marching arts. For fun, Travis watches baseball and hockey, reads books, drinks coffee, makes food, takes walks, and loves to drive.