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Music City Mystique
Josh Nelson - Executive Director
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Music City Mystique is a world-renowned theatrical percussion ensemble based in the music capital of the world: Nashville, Tennessee. The group competes under the governing organization Winter Guard International (WGI) and is a seven-time world champion.

Music City Mystique is a 501(c)(3) non-profit youth organization that provides a positive educational activity for young musicians. The non-profit youth ensemble consists of approximately forty performing members between fourteen and twenty-two years of age.  Members of McM are required to pay dues to help offset the expenses associated with running the organization.

Related Artists

Shane Gwaltney Shane Gwaltney
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Carl Eppler Carl Eppler
Music City Mystique, Franklin High School, Centennial High School, & Brentwood High School
Matthew Jordan Matthew Jordan
University of Michigan
Meagan Hills Meagan Hills
Music City Mystique, & Spring Hill Middle School
Josh Nelson Josh Nelson
Music City Mysique
Geoffrey Watkins Geoffrey Watkins
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Related Media

2019 Music City Mystique
2018 WGI - Music City Mystique
2017 Music City Mystique - WGI Finals - Battery
2017 Music City Mystique - WGI Finals - Front Ensemble
Video - 2017 Music City Mystique Indoor Percussion Ensemble at the WGI World Championships in Dayton, OH.
Music City Mystique
Photo Gallery - 2016 WGI World Championships
Music City Mystique
Photo Gallery - 2015 WGI World Championships
Music City Mystique - WGI 2015 - Clip 1
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